Monday, June 4, 2012

this weekend...

-there was a lot of rain. a lot. i got to work on friday and from my knees down, i was absolutely soaked. why didn't i think to bring a change of socks, like i did shoes?! needless to say, i may have thrown my socks in the microwave at work for 30 seconds to help them dry a bit...don't judge. at least i put paper towels over and under so it wasn't too gross ;)

-there was also a shooting inside the eaton centre on saturday around dinner time (that's the main mall in downtown toronto). pretty crazy to think about. as of now, 1 person is dead and 7 are injured and the shooter hasn't been caught yet. there's an article about it here.

-lastly, i've become hooked on a new show; revenge. my manager would tell me every week that "it's SO good, you HAVE to watch it!" but i figured, i watch enough tv. well, i woke up saturday, saw that the weather was going to be basically rain and thought, "what the heck, lets watch it online." so that resulted in me watching all 22 episodes of the first season in 2 days. yeah...and can we all agree that fake amanda is basically like annie's annoying cousin from 90210 who wouldn't go away and you wanted to throw your converter at the tv every time she came on?
a few flowers from when the sun was out.
but really, it just kept coming.

the countdown until my final shift at work is on. friday can't come soon enough (and i'm off wednesday/thursday). 3 shifts and 15 hours to go.


Unknown said...

oooh that show has just come on over here and I've been recording it to watch.
I can't wait to watch it,
I absolutely hated Annie's cousin, she was such a bitch.
The rain hasn't stopped here in England eith if that helps, but then again it always rains here!lol!

Meghan said...

Those flowers are just gorgeous! And everyone I know loves Revenge, too - I think I am missing out!

Amber said...

So scary about the shooting. I hope they catch him/her.

Those flowers are so pretty!

Clarinda said...

Lovely pictures, Bree!

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