Friday, December 9, 2011

our christmas card...

2 years ago, we decided to send out christmas cards to a few family members and friends. they got a kick out of it. (see it here). this year, we decided to do it again. dylan said it should somehow involve photoshop, and senT me an example of a couple in space (?!). given that my mom loves dean martin, i thought we should do something that involved him. a quick google search brought me the picture below, with frank and nancy sinatra, and dean martin and i'm assuming his wife? except we photoshopped our faces onto dean and the woman.
 yep that's our faces there on the right. singin' away.

i couldn't stop laughing when he sent it to me. i can't believe i actually had a picture on my computer where i look i'm singing. and dylan? well he looks a little funny without hair! pretty much everyone has gotten it already and loved it. win!


Something Infinitely Interesting said...

haha thats is soo funny.. i love the creativity

haha thats is soo funny.. i love the creativity

Why Girls Are Weird said...

That is all sorts of awesome lol. Love it.

V said...

Oh my goodness, this made me laugh out loud. What a great idea! So unique!

Blicious said...

HAHAHA so cute!!!


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