Monday, December 30, 2013


christmas just goes by way too fast. hard to realize that it's already come and gone for yet another year. we spent a few busy, yet relaxing days with family, eating lots of yummy food and drinking wine. we headed home (an hour drive from toronto) on christmas eve to a quick visit at my parents with my grandma, aunt & uncle. after that, we headed on over to dylan's brother's house with his family and ate our hearts content and opened gifts along with playing secret santa. after that, we went back to my parents to open our pj's for the night and wait for santa ;) christmas day was just us with my parents and they went all out with a big breakfast and full dinner. i have to say, staying at home in your pajamas all christmas days is pretty great.

chloe got her own gifts from my aunt and uncle. she was thrilled.
we all wore headbands with dylan's family. i loved mine.
stop right there! i don't even know the context of this picture..
santa was here. 2 animals and 4 people amounts to 8 stockings .
opening our gifts to each other...excited about some apple cord he's been wanting forever.
he also got a housecoat, a nightgown (god only knows why he wanted one lol), slippers and some scotch. basically, a grandpa gift package.

all of my gifts from dyl were wrapped in boxes from around our place; goldfish, ritz, cookies, cough syrup, etc haha

he did good. missing is the scarf he forgot to give me until later in the day. silly boy. note: i asked for the whitestrips, he's not trying to slyly tell me something ;)
my parents spoil him.
gift cards, chocolate (2 1/2lb peanut butter cups), beer, books, playstation games...he'll be occupied for a while.
a few shared gifts for the both of us from my parents; gift cards, a crepe pan, magic bullet (random, but we already love making smoothies!), and a nice, warm blanket.
and at 26, my parents still spoil me too.

taking a break from gift opening for a delicious brunch of eggnog french toast, eggs, sausage, bacon, toast, home fries, and mimosas.
 my dad looking pretty happy with the clark griswold bobblehead we got him. we also got him apple tv, which he's since proclaimed to be "maybe the best gift [i've] ever gotten!"
and mom got a pretty coach bracelet and a charm for her bracelet.

the fam.
nice legs ;)
finding places to put everything was a challenge, so we put it all out nicely and slowly put it away. we did good.

books, books, books.
aveeno junkie.

and that's a wrap for christmas 2013. best of all, i still have 1 more week off until i start classes again. time to soak it all in and relish in the freedom and relaxation.


Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

NICE LOOT!! relax and enjoy this week, i know i am (and NOT looking forward to regular life either)

happy new year!

Vodka and Soda

daniela said...

Y'all made out like baaaaaaaaaaaandits!!!! :D

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