Friday, December 27, 2013

annual potluck...

i hope everyone had a fabulous christmas - i know we sure did. i've got lots of pictures to go through before i get to christmas day.

earlier in the week, i had my girl friends over for our annual potluck dinner and secret santa. we ended up doing pretty well with the meal - salad, bread, chicken cutlet, lasagna, mashed potato casserole, and red velvet cake. everyone was rendered almost completely immobile by the time we finished.

 2 containers of red food colouring means 1 thing - red velvet cake.
 it's not pretty but it's good.
 table set and ready for guests. including the fireplace channel ;)

it was a tight squeeze to get 5 girl around our small table but we made it work. we played a game after dinner, though i can't remember what it was called, that had us in stitches. it was a pretty great night and i must say, it's kind of fun hosting dinners :)


The Thrifty Book Nerd said...

It looks like y'all had a great time!

Kathy@MoreCoffeeLessTalky said...

looks like a fab time! i love holiday get togethers with the ladies :)

Vodka and Soda

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