Tuesday, May 21, 2013

secret garden...

i really do love the neighborhood we're in now. it's a different one from the one i lived in for 5 years, but i think i love it even more. so much of it reminds me of certain specific areas in the east village in nyc. and obviously with my obsessive love for that city, that makes me happy. we'll be walking along the street and i'll say to dylan, "this spot right here reminds of when we were sitting on that corner stoop drinking our coffee last year!" or "this street reminds me of that street in nyc." obsessed. yes me. plus, we're so close to the water and it just makes for great walks with the dog. it just smells like summer.

 the music garden.

 happy 6.5 years to us! (yesterday. we don't celebrate half years, but it dawned on me and i wished him a happy half anni :))
 boats + a plane taking off.
 clearly this dog was having an awesome day. (stolen from dylan's instagram ;))

the little one.


Unknown said...

I love seeing photos of the parts other cities (like the needle!) Thank you for sharing xo

D said...

what a beautiful park! and congrats on the 6,5 years ^^ that's a long time!

Anonymous said...

Lovely neighborhood. I lived by water when I studied abroad in France it was so nice. Very refreshing! Congrats on 6.5 years!

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