Friday, April 27, 2012

nyc bound...

it's finally friday! i've put in my hours at work and the weekend is finally here. with all this sadness hanging around me lately, this getaway could not come at a more perfect time. sunday night we'll be on the bus heading to NYC! we'll be there for 4 days, but one of those days, we'll be taking a bus ride to washington! we're both pretty excited to see what a new city has to offer and to see some of the popular monuments and memorials.
 brooklyn bridge.
 laying in madison square park after eating some shake shack 2 years ago.
summer love.

the weather network has no idea what's going on and it changes from one extreme to the other-oh, sunny and 20degrees the 4 days we're there!? great! next day-rain all 4 days. oy.

also, i wish that roaming charges weren't ridiculous so that i could twitter and instagram while we're there ;) but that's not the case. the phones stay off, though we will have a little notebook with us :) see ya next week! 


Sarah said...

Hope you have a good trip! You deserve it after the crappy week you had :)

Meghan said...

I LOVE NYC! I hope you have an amazing time! Will you be returning to Shake Shack?!?!? :)

Unknown said...

I love the notebook idea! I always have to have a travel notebook with me when I go some place new :) have a great weekend!

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