Thursday, January 26, 2012

america, but better...

this video is hilarious. minus the tar sands, and the seal clubbing (lets not talk about how awful canada is in that department), canada is pretty good!

go canada !

i have friday, saturday AND sunday off this weekend. i'm stoked. i'm going home for a bit, and then on saturday night, if you can  believe it (but i guess it's better late than never), we have our work 'christmas' get together! ha just a little late.


Amanda said...

Jealous of your three day weekend! But you've been working your toosh off, so you deserve it. I'll have to watch this later when I'm not at work :)

Clarinda said...

Tomorrow is my last day of work (and then I student teach. yay!), but we are also have our holiday party Saturday evening. Nice.

Elle Sees said...

i loveee canada! just as funny as expected.

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