"The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential…
these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence."
Eddie Robinson
pic we heart it
these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence."
Eddie Robinson

i have an exam tonight--a 50% exam in criminal justice. i'm nervous. whose grand idea was it to make a final exam worth so much!? but, i know i can do it; breathe, take a drink of water, relax, repeat and go for it. i can't wait to get home tonight and just relax with my magazine that i got at easter but haven't had a chance to read yet. :) also, i'm looking forward to a good sleep-when i've got finals and papers due, i'm usually up at about 630 with my mind racing and can't fall back asleep; it sucks. anyway, in about 12 hours from now, i should juuuust be finishing it and hopefully walking out feeling good!
UPDATE: it's done! yay....it went pretty well i think..now to watch ugly betty and read my mag. :)
UPDATE: it's done! yay....it went pretty well i think..now to watch ugly betty and read my mag. :)
I'll keep my fingers crossed! Good luck!
Good luck!
I am not sure why professors think its a good idea to base half of what you have learned off of one test!!
Ridiculous!! Good Luck =]
Yikes, that's worth a lot! Hope it went really well!
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