. . . we met in college and then went to different universities 1 hour apart. after about 5 years apart, we just moved in together in july 2012. when we are together, we're always laughing, taking pictures and wandering around the city holding hands. we've been dating since the end of 2006 and although we argue sometimes, i couldn't imagine being with anyone else. we are bree and dylan
About Me
I'm a 27 year old corporate legal assistant at a downtown law firm. I've got a great little dog named Chloe, and an awesome boyfriend, too. I love coffee, red velvet cake (or any form), Criminal Minds, M&M's and Dance Mix '95. I live in Toronto, but love NYC like no other and dream of living there. Oh, and I love books and collecting them too. You can reach me at simply.girly1@gmail.com*
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The Past
my fluffy friend
name: chloe--breed: yorkie poo--born: sept 24, 2007--personality: the best dog ever, 100% ball of love, lap dog, eats treats like she's been starving for 3 months, loves long walks, parks, licking your face and meeting new people!
wasn't it just tuesday yesterday?? seems that way... anyways, that means it's feet photo day!what a difference from 2 weeks ago..from snow and boots to no socks with flats! i like it! like usual, visit my teacups in peony for more!
cute shoes and dog : )
i swear we have the same dog, haha! i almost posted my feet picture that looks almost identical to yours. i love it!
is that puppy? well, I love the dog. I love every little dog and specially puppy!! but unfortunately I don't have it once :'(
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