Wednesday, February 24, 2010

last weekend, before this weekend hits me in the face..

so last weekend was the end of reading came far to fast, i got not nearly enough work done--wait, scratch that, NO work done..i had every intention to do things, but i failed.

but, saturday, i went out with my girlfriends and dylan (they just love him lol) to a little irish bar and celebrated, or maybe that's the wrong word, the end of reading week! unfortunately, there were no pics taken when we actually went out...


Gabby said...

You guys are such a gorgeous couple!

Stephanie said...

So cute!

Stephanie said...

Yeah, I heard once you go the second, third time, it'll start to help get you in the habit of going. I really would like to start because it makes you feel so much better after.

Use that pass girl! You can do itt!

Not Used said...

You are so pretty! He's not bad either ;o)

Bree said...

thanks guys! :)

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