Tuesday, October 2, 2012

road trip to ottawa...

late thursday night, we made an impromptu decision to go to ottawa to visit dylan's friend and make it one last hurrah before dylan starts straight nights and takes tonnes of weekend overtime. sad to say, but it took me 25 years to visit the capital of canada.
centennial flame.

being a tourist.

this derpy unicorn is on the front of parliament. so random and funny! anyone know the significance of this?
library of parliament.
these are the parliament cats. those little houses were built for them and this man comes and volunteers every day to feed and socialize with these stray cats who just stay here all day, every day.

thanks for holding my purse!
knocked out.

boys being boys.

byward market.

it was a quick visit (leaving 6:00am saturday morning (getting there at 12pm), spending the night at his friends, and then leaving after breakfast on sunday), but a fun one. the city is pretty, and reminded me of old quebec and even the meatpacking district in nyc a little. now that we have a car, i'm sure we have many road trips ahead of us, when we have the time of course.

1 comment:

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Haha I love your pics, especially the statue ones.

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