by the time you read this, we'll be just starting our road trip to north myrtle beach with my aunt and uncle! i've overpacked, i've got my blanket and pillow and snacks for the car ride, and we're ready to make this 15 hour trek! we'll be staying the night tonight in west virginia, and then finishing the last 5-6 hours tomorrow. the weather network hasn't been showing too good of a forecast (lots of rain), so i'm a little bummed, but a 10 day vacation is a 10 day vacation! there's gotta be some sunny days in there! you know what's even better? the canadian dollar is now better the american!! or at least it was when we exchanged our money. booya.

ordered a couple girly, light reads for the beach (love amazon; free shipping & showed up in 2 days!)
i also hear that walmart has a their own line of wine in the states (not here in canada, that's for sure), and the pinot grigio is actually pretty good. for $2.79 a bottle, i'm looking forward to trying it. i'll be bringing my computer (to skype with chloe, duh), so i'll pop in sometime next week, i'm sure. i've also got a couple posts going up, just because i'm a little behind.
So excited that y'all got to make your trip!!!
Have a fabulous time! xoxo
Have a great time! I'm going to have to try the Walmart wine...wouldn't have given it a chance on my own probably :-p
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