Friday, October 29, 2010

halloween weekend is HERE...

so, it's finally here isn't it? halloween weekend. woo hoo.

my weekend will be:
-watching all the halloween talk shows; regis and kelly, ellen, and maybe rachael ray
-making pumpkin cake pops (finally! i've been waiting forever)
-maybe making a few caramel apples
-dressing up and going to some bar friday night (duh)
-going to the mall on saturday with (what i'm sure will be) crazy hair from the night before to bring dylan cake pops for him and the people he works with, and looking for a winter coat
-perhaps going out saturday too, we shall see 
-and the best part: working on 2 assignments!! yay :|
 via; this is hilarious, 'antoine dogson' haha
in case you have no idea what this means (but how could you not?!), click here 
did you know he actually performed that 'song' on the BET awards, he's got an app coming and he was actually able to move his family out of the bad area?! Go Antoine!

hope everyone has an awesome weekend, full of delicious treats, costumes and maybe a few movies!



Xo said...

You just made my weekend with that picture! My roomies and I quote him all day, every day! SO funny!!

Amber said...

Sounds like a blast! I wanna make some halloween cake pops, teach me! :)

Katie said...

LOL 'antoine dogson" funny!! I have a orgo chem test tomorrow(Sunday) so I was only able to go out last night.
Enjoy your halloween, post pictures!

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