Friday, September 24, 2010

chloe day!

my little girl is growing up. *tear*
chloe turns 3 today.
i can't believe i've had her nearly 3 years.
it feels like yesterday i brought her home on new years day (at night) and my dad wouldn't even come up from downstairs to see her. that's how mad he was that i got a dog of my own.
it only took one day for her to work her charm.
now? he's the one that loves her the most. and trust me, the rest of us love to her pieces!!
so, this is for the most lovable, the most cuddly, face licking machine--Chloe; aka chlo, mo, mo green, meisters, scruffy,brat, miss ...
Happy birthday chlo!!!

Ps. chloe, now that you're 3, can you please start to walk better? and maybe stop piddling when you get really excited to see people? because that would just make you perfect.
 from her 2nd birthday
and again, isn't she thrilled with that hat on? (i made it! haha)

Love, mom


Amanda - Small Home Big Start said...

Happy Birthday Chloe! What a cutie :)

Kristen said...

Happy Birthday Chloe! She is such a cutie!

She may not have liked the hat..but it made a fabulous pictures!

Sarah said...

So cute! Happy birthday to your pup!

The second photo melts my heart, too adorable.

Lived With Love said...

she is adorable!! she doesnt look 3 at all! :)

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