i would say it's fairly well documented around here that i consider myself quite frugal while dylan is the big spender. i very rarely carry cash and if i do happen to have cash, say a bill $20 or above, it's like pulling teeth trying to get me to break it. dylan is always giving me his change, which i happily accept (change, i do like) to keep myself fueled with caffeine, and we joke that it's my allowance for the week (and just to clarify, it's not!).
this week of finals is kicking my butt --a few 8:30am exams with a 1.5 hour commute!-- and i woke up to a lovely little surprise yesterday morning.
love the artists notation on the bottom corner ;)
move the change to find another little surprise.
clearly he wasn't tired when he got home from work at 2am and i reaped the benefits haha. i took that $5 to starbucks this morning, as i had to be out of the house by 6:30, and got myself my favorite eggnog latte.
thanks dyl :) ♥
awww how adorable!! it's those little things that mean the most, isn't it?
Vodka and Soda
This is just about the cutest thing ever!! it's the little things :)
That is so sweet!!
This is just adorable! I love fun little surprises like that :)
So cute!
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