Friday, November 9, 2012

on living together...

i can hardly believe that we've been living together for 4.5 months now. things have been pretty good for the most part. sure, we have the odd screaming match (ok, maybe not screaming, but definitely quite heated), and we banter about something at least every other day, but overall, things are good. it's nice to come home to someone every day, to have someone to share a bottle of wine with, and to eat dinner with someone.

living with someone before marriage was never an issue for me. naturally, this just felt like the next step for us. i actually think it's been a good thing, us living together before marriage. we get to work out the kinks, argue about cleaning up, and where things go, and dishes and laundry now, in these first few months, instead of starting off our married life angry all the time that i'm the one doing the dishes 90% of the time, or over them not being rinsed. stupid things like that, that are trivial, but make me angrier than they should. slowly but surely, he's helping out more, and it's much appreciated. the days when i come home from work and the place is nice and clean..there's simply nothing better.

the one thing i was worried about was still having me time. we spent 5 years in different cities, seeing each other maybe once a week, i lived alone in those 5 years, and i'm an only child. so i'm used to my own space, to say the least. i'm happy to say i still have lots of it :) even if we're home together, dylan spends a lot of time in the office, playing video games and such. you know, boy things.

our place now feels like a home, and i love that. we have our furniture, our car, our shared bank account (i still smile when i see both of our names on our cheques), our dog; all things we share and can be proud of. i can't wait to decorate for christmas, for the snow to start falling, and to cozy up on the couch and spend the evening inside with the tree lights twinkling beside us.

so this living together thing, yeah, it's pretty awesome.


Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel, this past September marked a year of Chris and I living together. I agree with everything you've said here, I think it's so important to live together before marriage to work out all those little things that aren't so little. And coming home after classes and seeing the dishes done and bathroom clean (aka my two most hated chores) is probably the best thing ever.

Unknown said...

Aw, congratulations. I have been living with my boyfriend for about the same amount of tim and it has been so great.

Unknown said...

I'm moving in with my boyfriend in February and i'm SO excited. This makes me so happy <3

Amanda said...

I would agree that it's pretty awesome! :) I'm glad that you're enjoying it! I was concerned about getting alone time too, but it turns out that I don't need it as much and when I do, I can get it by leaving the room!

Unknown said...

it's been forever but i just caught up on your blog! i love your hair short!! super cute!
xoxo, jamie

Yelle said...

Found you from 20sb! I can totally relate to this as I have lived with my fiance for 4 years! In the beginning, yes there was bickering and arguments, but it gets so much easier! Now we can tell when each other is getting annoyed or upset and we do our best to fix it before it escalates. Enjoy this time, it can only get better :)

Amanda said...

I just thought you should know that I have been totally creeping on your blog today! I keep clicking on your linkwithin posts and I've found so many I don't remember reading before! I felt creepy not mentioning it to you lol.

This is making for great bar study procrastination.

You guys are so adorable! We are hoping to make it to Toronto one of these days -- maybe we could meet up!

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