over the christmas break, my parents got a new cat; a stray to be exact. now this isn't the first stray they've taken in - they took mocha in about 8 years ago and he's now 12. so a few weeks ago, the neighbors noticed a little cat coming around often. they put out food and water on the porch for her and hoped that she would eventually find her way home. once my parents noticed the extreme cold weather we had coming up, and that she still didn't have a home, they decided to take her in 'just for a bit.' of course, my mom immediately falls in her and names her lulu within a few hours. while she's still getting used to their house and the other cat (as he is also getting used to her), she's warming up quite nicely and just loves to cuddle on your lap. she's about 8 months old and so sweet. the poor thing just about had a heart attack last weekend when i went for a visit and she saw chloe.
hi lulu! with her little battle scar on her nose.
animals just love basking in the sun.
2 peas in a pod.
it's been about 2 weeks now since they took her in and my parents just love her to bits. she's getting used to the place, took to the litter box right away, and hopefully gets a clean bill of health when she visits the vet shortly.
too cute! i'm allergic to cats but lulu is adorable
Vodka and Soda
I recently took in a stray too....nothing better :)
lulu is beautiful!
Lulu is sooooo cute!
Too cute. We were hit with that cold snap, and I know a few strays took shelter in our abandoned shed I keep for times like that. They can stay out of the freezing cold while filling their bellies.
OMG! Please cat-sit Lulu because I want to snuggle her!!!!!!!!!!
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