Monday, January 14, 2013

weekend scenes...

this weekend consisted of...
 trying out a new-ish coffee place.
 uncharacteristically warm weather in january in canada. it was 13 degrees saturday, but the average is usually around -1.
 reading this book (i liked it!), then watching the movie right away (hated it!). (*and trying out new camera apps*)
endless peach bellini's, homemade pizza, and deep fried wings.

ok, seriously though, did anyone read or see the lucky one? i read the book in 2 days this weekend and thought it was pretty good. i was excited to watch the movie once i was done, so on sunday morning, i watched it while dylan was still sleeping. it was so completely different from the book, and not in a good way. so much was left out and changed and i just wasn't a fan. i didn't feel the chemistry between them and she just looked too old for him. i know she's older than in the book, not by much though, and in real life, but they just didn't mesh. the more i think about it, the more i think i hated the movie. meh. but zac efron was still a treat to look at for 1 hour and 40 minutes.


Brittany SSP said...

I didn't bother with The Lucky One, book or movie. I feel like Nicholas Sparks' writing has really regressed since becoming so famous, so I tend to bypass his works now :(

Amber said...

Oooh the coffee looks delish!

I saw The Lucky One before I read the book. (which I never do!) after seeing the movie, I didn't really have any interest in reading the book though. I hear there were a lot of differences!

Teh Megan said...

I agree with Brit. Maybe I'm just disappointed as a North Carolinian that his books are so predictable. The Lucky One was the last Nick Sparks book that I read because I was tired of reading the same story over and over.

My fave Nick Sparks "series" (other than The Notebook and The Wedding) are True Believer and At First Sight.

Amy said...

sounds like my kind of weekend!

xoxo Kelly said...

OH.MY.GOSH! Where did you get those leopard print flats? They are seriously so adorable!

Bree said...

@ Kelly- thanks! I got them at Marshall's but they're Rocketdog!

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