Wednesday, September 5, 2012

obligatory pumpkin spice latte post...

it came out yesterday. and i got one. and it was as good as i remembered.

the weather actually somewhat cooperated. it wasn't super hot (only 24◦C), and it was dark and rainy all day.  i curled up on the couch, latte and book in hand, and basically didn't move until bedtime.
*note: it's back to 34 degrees today*


Amber said...

I had one this morning too, but it's so hot here. I don't know why I don't get it iced. I always forget.

P.S. I can never realize what the temperature is there.. I'm not good at converting celcius to farenheit, haha!

Why Girls Are Weird said...

I'm not a Starbucks girl BUT I cannot wait to head to my fav coffee place for a latte with half a shot of chai and half a shot of pumpkin spice!

Clarinda said...

Sounds like a perfect afternoon - even though I think it's a little too early for such a treat. ;-)

Hena Tayeb said...

have never had one.. not a big pumpkin fan. Am I missing out on something?

Anonymous said...

can't wait for the weather to cool down! fall is one of my fav times of the year.

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