Friday, August 27, 2010

be a coffee-drinking individual - espresso yourself!

i am in love with my parents new coffee maker..Tassimo; the art of the perfect cup. seriously, this thing makes everything; coffee, espresso, latte, cappuccino, hot chocolate, tea...all you have to do is put your tdisc in the top part (the water goes in the back) and within seconds, whatever you're making is brewing up a storm.

the Tassimo coffee machine=love. 
 for a cappuccino, you put the milk disc in first, it brews it up in seconds all frothy and nice...
then the espresso disc goes in second. and again, in a few seconds, it's trickling into your cup. (actually, for the cappuccino, it's supposed to be the espresso first and milk second. but i follow the latte way of making it (because we were out of latte's) and do the milk first and espresso on top-i like it better that way)
ya, it splatters just a little...
the perfect cappuccino in under 1 minute.

want to know the kicker? Shoppers Drug Mart (which is like your Duane Reade in the states) had a special on about 2 weeks ago. this machine was regularly priced at $169.99, but it was on sale for $89.99. there is also a points card at this store, just like every other store now-a-days. so for one day only, you could trade 40,000 points and pay just $10 (!!!!) for the coffee maker. say what!?? (my mom had a tonne of points, they add up fast) so of course my parents were all over this deal! it's going to be a sad day when i go back to my apartment in toronto in a week or two and i'm stuck with instant coffee again haha

i am obsessed with this thing! and i bought my snazzy yellow cup from the dollar store (holla) so i could have my latte's and cappuccino's in style. now you know what would top it all of? if i find out they have pumpkin spiced latte's. i would be in heaven. (hey Tassimo, did you hear that??)

**just an fyi, i was not contacted by the company, or paid by anyone to write this. i just love waking up to my delicious coffee everyday now that i thought i would share!**

it's friday!! hope everyone has a good weekend!


Blicious said...

I want one!!!!


l. said...

Careful, this thing will turn you into a caffeine addict (if you aren't one already)! I love mine too! I'm going to try the milk-before-latte way tomorrow! Maybe it'll taste even better? lol

Unknown said...

Ugh I've been wanting one of these so bad!! Can't afford right now but I've heard Costco has them so might check the price out. I love cappuccino so I'd love to be able to make one in under a minute at home. Sigh, maybe someday lol

Anonymous said...

OMG pumpkin spice lattes. I mentioned those in my post today too. I'm craving one so bad right now, dang. Looks like an awesome little machine.

Lived With Love said...

Mmm! I loooove coffee!

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