Tuesday, September 8, 2015

italy video...

we left for italy 4 months ago today (unbelievable!) and we finally got around to putting our video together! i've literally been the worst nag for the last few months trying to get dylan to do it. i mean, especially now with the broken ankle, he has so much time! but i get it, we had about 4 hours of footage to go through so it was no easy feat. but we took advantage of the long weekend (and being housebound) and put it together. we cut it down to 16 minutes (which is still fairly long), but hopefully it's not boring. we've watched it at least a dozen times already.

unfortunately, because we have music in it and youtube has silly rules, it can only be viewed on a computer, it will not work on a phone/tablet/ipad etc. it's really weird and it sucks, but oh well. we tried vimeo but we had to reduce the quality in order to get the size within the limits and it looked horrible. so, we're stuck with watching it on a computer. 

also note: the quality increases so much if you click on the little crank on the bottom right hand corner of the video ("settings") and choose HD.

*video HERE*

you'll probably be able to tell by the smiles on our faces that renting a boat in amalfi was our favourite part of the trip. really though, the entire trip was just a dream and we can't wait for our next one.


Amanda said...

That video is awesome. That trip looked amazing. Those gondolas looked scary!!

It took me all day to watch that during breaks lol.

Health iz Wealth said...
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