Friday, June 13, 2014

summer countdown...

with summer now just 1 week away, i've taken on a few summer-related things. actuallly, just 2 things so far: my nails and my hair. apparently i only have 3 pastels nail polishes in my collection, but i did what any 7th grade girl would do and painted my nails different colors. i actually kind of love it.
hello smallest nails and boniest hands ever.

secondly, i'm trying to work with my hair and its natural texture. it's not pin straight, and it's definitely not curly, but just barely wavy. with the humid days slowly rolling in, i've started to give in to the weather and not try to fight it with a straightener. enter my sort of, kind of, wavy hair that i let air dry. if only that little bit of volume that you see above stayed, but alas, it doesn't. and if only the top half of my hair looked as decent as the under part, hence the half up situation.

now, to work on that summer beach body...


Amanda said...

You totally inspired me to paint my nails similarly!!

daniela said...

My OCD-self thanks you for making your nail symmetrical haha

Hold up...THAT is what your wavy hair looks like?! It's fabulous! My semi-wavy is mostly frizz blahness. Lame.

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