Friday, December 14, 2012

greedy santa...

last night was our annual girls christmas potluck/secret santa night. i'm pretty sure we've been doing this since grade 10, which makes this our 10th year? that's what we think anyways. i rushed over after work and got there just before 9, where we then dove into the food, stuffed ourselves with dessert, and took way too long trying to figure out how to play 'greedy santa'. apparently, we all had different opinions and some just weren't understanding ;)
 this is actually last weekend (1 missing), but this is the best i got. we got none of us together last night :(
 which one shall i choose?
do you see that?? red velvet cake tea!?!? omg perfect that i ended up with this gift.

christmas festivities are in full force; tonight i've got an event that i've been working along with a few months now, a work secret santa next week, and a potluckolypse next weekend (on the 21st, the day the world will end). bring it on!

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