brooklyn bridge.
laying in madison square park after eating some shake shack 2 years ago.
summer love.
the weather network has no idea what's going on and it changes from one extreme to the other-oh, sunny and 20degrees the 4 days we're there!? great! next day-rain all 4 days. oy.
also, i wish that roaming charges weren't ridiculous so that i could twitter and instagram while we're there ;) but that's not the case. the phones stay off, though we will have a little notebook with us :) see ya next week!
Hope you have a good trip! You deserve it after the crappy week you had :)
I LOVE NYC! I hope you have an amazing time! Will you be returning to Shake Shack?!?!? :)
I love the notebook idea! I always have to have a travel notebook with me when I go some place new :) have a great weekend!
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