Thursday, August 19, 2010


350th post that is. wow. i can't believe i have actually stuck around with blog for that long! i just want to say thank you to everyone who takes the time to read and comment on my silly daily life! seriously, for about my first year, i think i had 17 followers, and since about april, it's just grown and i can't even believe it! i love writing a little post everyday, and then being able to look back over the year and see what i have done. i love that i've met so many cool people. i love getting comments on my posts that make me smile. i love that you guys can give me opinions on things (especially important things like a dessert dilemma ;) )...
so let's share a piece of cake, shall we? red velvet of course! via

i also love hearing 'random facts' or little tidbits about people. so tell me something about you! it can be anything!
♥ have a good day, can't believe it's thursday already :)


L A C E Y said...

congrats on 350 posts - wow. i agree.. i love looking back and being able to appreciate all the little things. and, i love reading your blog, so keep it up! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I'm a very recent follower and a new blogger. It's so encouraging to have other people reading and interested in what we have to say. I hope I make it to 350 posts!

Something random about me? I took Japanese as my language in high school. I can't remember much, unfortunately.

Unknown said...

Random fact- I've never tasted red velvet cake. EEK!!!! I'll try it sometime. I swear.

Brittany said...


I was a TOTAL good girl in high school. SAINT material..

Then the day of the big game, on homecoming, Two classmates and myself let chickens loose in the school. Only one of the boys was caught.. and I fessed up! We both got in school suspension! We missed the daily activities.. and I became a hero! :)

I went down in history! :)) I'm famous in my town of 1500 people!!

Reuben said...

that cake is the coolest cake ive ever seen. random fact about me is that i've driven over 14,000 miles from california to toronto and headed to montreal tomorrow and then off to NYC!

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