1) i hate sheets; i've slept with only a comforter for years and years now. i couldn't stand waking up at night and feeling all the sheets rumpled at the bottom of the bed. *cringe*
2) that being said, i have to sleep with something on me. no matter how hot i am, i will have a blanket on me, and then i will complain about being hot. i think it's a safety thing.
3) and while we're on the topic of sleep, don't touch me when i sleep; not with your leg, arm, finger-nothing. (sorry dyl)
4) i also can't stand listening to people breath loudly/snore when they sleep and i am also trying to sleep. it's probably the worst thing ever and drives me mentally insane. i end up elbowing dylan numerous times throughout the night to "stop breathing" haha
5) and well, this turned into 5 random facts about my sleeping habits (probably because it's midnight and i'm not sure why i'm still up), but i have to fall asleep with the tv on. i set the timer for an hour, but 96% of the time, i fall asleep within 1-2 minutes of my head hitting the pillow.
passing it on to 2 people :p ...
Lacey @ mille baisers
V @ V Chronicles
enjoy your hump day; it's pouring rain here all day! but in good news, i get to read on the couch and my paper got a 5 day extension! woo
Congrats on the award lady. Have a great day!
congrats on your blog award :) fun &exciting!
Fun award!
wow!! thanks so much :) my first award!!
Great post!
Just came across your blog. It is lovely!
Congrats on your award! I have certain "quirks" about sleeping too :D
clothed much, a modest fashion blog
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